Monday, February 6, 2012

So, uh, just kidding....

Received February 6, 2012

Na ja.....I told you that I probably wouldn't get transferred. I was wrong. I'm being transfered back to Deutschland to Waiblingen near Stuttgart. I've been there before because it used to be part of the Heilbronn District when I was there. Now it's part of the Tübingen District. My companion Elder Smith and I will be "whitewashing" the area. It will be interesting. So I have to get all my packing in and get ready for that lovely train ride back to Stuttgart. The nice thing is that I get to have a Stuttgart Netzkarte which means that I can use any transportation in the area without having to pay every time. This week we went to the most wonderful city in the world, namely Wien. We went to hear from President Kopischke of the Area Presidency. It was wonderful listening to him and his wife and also President and Sister Miles. We had a great time learning about working with the ward and giving invitations to come to church or to read the Book of
Mormon. We ate Wiener Schnitzel and potato salad for lunch as always
is the case in Vienna. One cool thing about this Mission Tour was that
I got to see two of my old companions Elders Pexton and Sills. Elder
Chandler and I got a picture with them since I have been companions
with all of them and they were all in the MTC together. It was really
cool. They all go home this week, which is crazy to think about.
I'm sad to be leaving Linz, but it has been a great time here and I
know that it will be great in Waiblingen too. Wherever the Lord sends
me. I hope everyone has a lovely week and that it's not -17 Cel there in
California (I know there's no chance of that, but yeah). Think warm
thoughts for me. Tschüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüß!!!!!!

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