Monday, March 5, 2012

Linz, here I come...for a day...

Received March 5, 2012

I can't say that I'm looking forward too much to the train ride to Linz (Linz yes, train ride no), but I'll be doing it tomorrow. I'll be coming back on Wednesday, so it will take a lot of time. I'll just be happy to be done with this whole visa mess.
Things are looking up now weather-wise. It was actually 16° Cel the other day and the buds are definitely coming out. It will be nice to see the world green again in the way that I know Germany can be. The sun is shining a lot more now and it's actually getting kinda warm.That means that more people should actually stop and talk to us on the street, even if it is only little old ladies. I schwätz a bissle mehr Schwäbisch jetzt. Jetzle! Kamma was tun, weisch?!
Last week had a lot of fallen out appointments, but we still had an ok week because we finally came in contact with one of the old investigators and started meeting with her. Bru. Metzner offered to pick her up every Sunday now, so we will be working with her a lot. She is a very loving lady named Anna and she would have been baptized if some other things hadn't happened. Good thing though, because she has no real testimony of the church. She just said yes because she really liked the missionaries.
We're reading the Book of Mormon right now as a mission and I feel like it would be a good idea each week to share something that I learned in the past week, so I will add that on to each email. This week I read about all of the amazing missionary stories from the lives of Alma and the sons of Mosiah. I think often how it would be if we here in Germany could help the people to convert like they did among the Lamanites. It was simple in theory, but it had to take faith. It took member missionaries (Amulek) to accomplish some of the work. I hope all the members of the church that read my emails do something to help the missionaries, every week. It could just be inviting them to dinner, but it's even better when you just go up to those new members or (more importantly) the investigators and just say hello. I know how it is in American wards, those who are not part of the normal crowd get a little lost. As members of this church we have to responsibility to look around, even amidst all the hustle and bustle of getting things done for our callings in the church, and seeing who is new and could use a little help in being welcomed into the one true church. It's lovely to see people go over and talk to investigators. It makes them feel more loved and welcome. If you're not a member of the church, I invite you to attend a meeting and see what kind of things we do. I love the church. It's especially important right now in this "Mormon Moment" that we go about showing the people of the world what we're all about. And if people come to the knowledge of the gospel because of it, we can say like Ammon, "I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for He has all power, all wisdom , and all understanding; He comprehendeth all things, and He is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on His name." (Alma 26:35) Isn't this work great?

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